Am I having Labour Pains?

When you go into labour, it's often  hard to tell whether you are experiencing actual labour pains or just experiencing braxton hicks (fake labour pains).
There are several ways to tell whether you are experiencing real pains - if you're in labour you should experience at least two of these signs:

  • Time them for an hour. They should get closer together.
  • The pains are stronger and longer lasting than any previous pains you've had.
  • Breaking of the waters - although this does not happen to some women until right before the baby is born.
  • A bloody show - some blood when  you visit the toilet.
  • Losing the mucous plug.
  • Involuntary shivering.
  • Diarrhoea as the body prepares for the birth.
  • Lightening - the baby will move down into the birth canal.
Some women will only experience contractions in early labour and most of the other events either will not happen or will only happen when the woman is in advanced labour. If you're not sure,  you should always call your midwife, since they will likely do a check to be sure that you are really experiencing labour pains.